About Us

DepQuébec is the first media web portal specialized in the Quebec convenience store industry.

Its mission: to foster the growth of the industry through a better sharing of information, knowledge of issues and players’ profile.

DepQuébec is a 100% independent digital media owned by Leroux Prud’homme Communications (LPC). Founded in 2005, LPC specializes in the retail industry.

Our mission: to give a little help to our friends, the convenience store owners and managers

DepQuébec is dedicated to helping the growth of the dynamic convenience stores industry in Quebec as well as promoting its contribution to society for the benefit of retailers, distributors and suppliers.

Our mission is based on a simple premise: we like convenience stores. Indeed, we like them a lot.

These friendly, humble, deserving and profoundly endearing people work tirelessly, day after day, to improve their life by offering a service that they hope will be appreciated by their community and relevant to their customers.

François Dénommé, owner of the micro-grocery store Chez François. Photo: Radio-Canada / Laurence Dompierre-Major

In return for their hard work and their daily dedication, they earn very little. But seldom will you hear them complaining. For their common sense is such that each penny earned is very precious to them. And rightly so.

Convenience stores do not receive government benefits nor have anyone to blame for their hardship. They rely solely on themselves to improve their standard of living and see in their success, when it comes to fruition, the triumph of their hard work and tenacity.

Their deep motivation is the quest for independence, freedom and responsibility. Is it not what any self-respected human being wishes for?

Their greatest enemy is fiscal, regulatory and bureaucratic abuse in all its ugly shapes and forms. Their greatest fear is to see government put so many spokes in their wheels that they could no longer go forward, despite their best efforts.

In this regard, we believe that the health and strenght of convenience stores are key indicators as to where the Quebec society stands at the moment:

  • Should convenience stores be strong and vigorous, it tends to show that we, as a society, still promote initiave, freedom of choice and autonomy. We may also still be treating adults as intelligent, responsible and mature individuals capable of their own choices;
  • If convenience stores are in a really bad shape and a sharp decline, this could indicate, on the contrary, that our society is crumbling under the weight of its own laws and regulations, fed by an overdose of political correctness. We are certainly heading in this direction.

So there you go: not only do you know better who we are but above all, what we believe in deeply.

On that note, enjoy your reading and feel free to comment!


The DepQuébec Team


PS: You are welcome to take look at the Terms and Conditions page associated with DepQuébec as well as its Declaration of Confidentiality. Hyperlinks giving access to these two sections can also be found at the bottom of the site front page.